Frequently Asked Questions

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What features does Woodforest Mobile Banking offer?
The site offers various features based off your device's model and browser version. All devices will be able to access the branch locator and contact information. Devices that can serve richer content, such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry and tablets, will have additional banking features, including account balances, transaction history, fund transfer, and bill pay services. The "Log In" option will appear in the main menu on supported devices.
Are there fees to use Woodforest Mobile Banking?
Woodforest does not charge any fees to use our Mobile Banking services. However, you should contact your network service provider to check for fees charged for web access by your carrier.
How do I view the site in a different language?
The site uses the language setting of your device. If your device is configured for Spanish, then the site will also be displayed in Spanish. If we do not support the language requested, the site will display in English.
How do I get to the full version of the Woodforest website?
Visit the full version of our website at Here you can find information about the many products and services offered by Woodforest.
What are pending transactions?
Pending transactions refer to credits, debits, and holds that have not yet posted to your account. Transactions made with your Woodforest Debit Card using a PIN typically are processed and posted to your account on the same day that the transaction is made, or on the next business day. Transactions made with your Woodforest Debit Card but without your PIN (signature-based transactions) may take several business days to post to your account. An "authorization hold" (shown in your pending transactions as a "pre-auth") is placed on your account and will reduce the balance available to authorize other transactions with your Woodforest Debit Card. In most cases, this hold will be removed from your account either (1) when the actual transaction amount is debited from your account in a posted transaction, or (2) approximately four business days after the authorization, whichever occurs sooner. While this hold will reduce the balance available to authorize subsequent Woodforest Debit Card transactions, it will not affect the payment of other withdrawals such as checks, electronic funds transfers or previously authorized Woodforest Debit Card transactions.

In some cases, the amount of the pending transaction may not match the actual amount of the transaction. This is common. Some merchants, including restaurants and gas stations, will place an initial hold (known as an "authorization hold" and reflected in online banking as a "pre-auth") on the account for a higher or lower dollar amount. In that instance, you may see a second transaction listed which, when added (if a debit) or subtracted (if a credit) to the pre-auth amount, equal the amount of the transaction. Once the transaction is processed, which may take several days, the actual amount of the transaction will be posted to your account.

At times, you may see a transaction listed twice in pending transactions, once as a pre-authorization and a second time as the transaction to be posted. When this occurs, only the amount of the transaction to be posted is deducted from your Available Balance.